Ana held my broken pieces until I was able to put each piece back into place
There comes a day when you accept how broken and scarred you are from life and you have not one clue as to how to mend yourself. Then fate shows you an answer by providing you with a coach like Ana. Ana held my broken pieces until I was able to put each piece back into place.
She didn’t even once try to glue me back together, she just held a space for me to fix and learn to love myself. It takes a truly special coach to not fix, demand and/or want you to be anything other than who you are. However, she knew when it was time to push me outside my comfort zone in order for me to grow and break free of my past thinking and blueprint. Often when she made a suggestion that seemed impossible or really tough I would give her this determined look of NO WAY, but she held strong in her knowledge, training, and abilities to get me moving in the right direction. Anyone who knows me will tell you that I am tenacious and extremely strong-willed, but Ana wouldn’t allow those attitudes to override the needed change when it was time for a tough move or needed change. I would often tell my friends, “she doesn’t let me get away with anything” and knowing my strong personality, well, they would just chuckle at me and say, “Yep, she is REALLY good!” She held her course with me and each and every time it worked to my benefit when I implemented her suggestions. Ana does not allow you to be a whiner or a blamer. She gets you to step to the plate and perform for your best self. Ana provided techniques, guidance, patience, and tough love that allowed me to be vulnerable, and from that place of vulnerability I grew into a place where my broken pieces were put back together to finally create the real.