
Not long ago, maybe a decade, I believed that living in abundance was only possible if my bank account was filled with millions of dollars, if I lived in the house of my dreams, if I could travel the world and so on.

My life was full of if’s and honestly my level of satisfaction was getting lower and lower every day, the message I was allowing my brain to capture was always; It’s never good enough, I have to do more to get more and things were just going downhill pretty fast in my life. I just reached a point where sadness was invading my days, and I was really close to lose purpose until I decided to talk to my husband about it.

He usually doesn’t say much to me but this day he pointed my blind spot right on; and I was shocked with myself. He said: What you are looking for is outside yourself, and you can only be abundant and create success from within, from who you are and from all the spectacular things you do to others.

At that moment, I had tears in my eyes and the message landed. I didn’t feel like speaking, walking. I just felt like breathing and staying present to that moment, let the words sink in an be me.

When I opened my eyes (literally), I felt the world different, I felt connection with my soul and I decided to get back on my horse and live life without if’s.

The number one thing for me was to take time to think, and think deeply. I decided to change and my decision was to live my life from within.

I then created a plan and a strategy to start a war with the non supportive voice, the solution was to fight, with gratitude. I decided that judgment and negativity would never be part of me anymore, the solution was to bless the ones that bothered me at that time. The next step was to make it simple (that was difficult…), however all the demons that used to tell me that I had to work hard to get what I wanted were eliminated by allowing myself to listen to my true desires and from that I was able to unfold them. In other words, when you have a limited belief you have to practice otherwise.

The only way to change, to unfold your life, to come from within is training yourself and your brain to be the way you want, to act in spite of your doubts.

I created new routines, new habits and I changed my perspective on life. I will share a few with you.

  1. Show gratitude at least twice a day, when you are in the vibration of gratitude you REALLY attract amazing things and outstanding opportunities.
  2. Love deeply and get in touch with nature daily.
  3. Never blame anybody or situation for the way your life is or isn’t.
  4. Take responsibility for your goals, dreams and aims.
  5. Act as is. Be who you want to be now.

Now, I am proud to say that after practicing my daily routines for days and months my life shifted fast and I am attracting money, opportunities, my business grew in months what I wasn’t able to do in years.

However, the most amazing discovery for me was that abundance is not having things, earning money. Abundance is, to be, to connect and to be willing to be present.

You are abundance, live life from within and discover the amazing things you can create for yourself.