One day I woke up with this message in my inbox: “Good morning, this is the Universe. I will be handling all of your problems today. I will not need your help, so have a miraculous day.”
I decided to take the opportunity and have a day with no control, a day with surrender and everything just flows, life is light, the sun radiates more and even the water tastes better. In the middle of the day, I asked myself: Who do I want to be? How do I want to live? What’s my ideal? Do you want to be happy? Enlightened?
As I had said yes to let go, I embraced my thoughts and the answers just started flowing in my brain, I knew who I wanted to be and I started playing a game, live as is… act as if everything you desire is already here, show gratitude for your accomplishments and keep letting go. The word intention came to mind a thousand times that day, it felt like I was having shots of Serotonin every hour and the sense of calmness and happiness kept coming. I didn’t want that day to end but as we can only hold 24 hours it did. Before I went to bed I made a commitment with myself to start setting intentions to my days and create a purpose to my life.
I said “yes” to life and intentionally created intentions for my days, for my work, for my relationships and took action to change what was not working, what could be holding me back to achieve and be the best of me.
I started to experience creativity, kindness, love and expansion and from that experience my life started to change.
“Intention is much more powerful when it comes from a place of contentment than if it arises from a sense of lack or need.” I was only able to discover the beauty of intention the day I was willing to let it go and have the Universe take control for me.
Don’t listen to the voice that says that you have to be in charge, that obsessive vigilance is the only way to get anything done. Take a few moments daily from now to answer this questions and immerse yourself in a pure life of intentional and majestic days.
- How can I be more creative, kind and loving today?
- How can I appreciate beauty today?
- How can I be open to the expansion of our universe and grow today?
- How can I flow with the unlimited abundance of the world today?
Relax. Embrace the Power of Intention. And have a miraculous holiday.